############################################################################ # Open Online R Stream (https://www.wvbauer.com/doku.php/live_streams) # # By: Wolfgang Viechtbauer (https://www.wvbauer.com) # Date: 2024-12-05 # # Topic(s): # - Statistical Rethinking (https://xcelab.net/rm/) # - Section: 4.4 # # last updated: 2024-12-09 ############################################################################ ### 4.4: Linear prediction # load the rethinking package library(rethinking) # get the Howell1 data and put it into 'dat' dat <- get(data(Howell1)) # select only those who are 18 years or older dat <- dat[dat$age >= 18,] # plot the height of the individuals versus their weight plot(height ~ weight, data=dat, pch=21, bg="gray", bty="l") # correlation between height and weight round(cor(dat$height, dat$weight), digits=2) ## 4.4.1: The linear model strategy # Priors # simulate 100 alpha and beta values based on the prior distributions set.seed(2971) n <- 100 sim <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n, mean=178, sd=20), b = rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=10)) # Figure 4.5 (left): plot the regression lines implied by these values plot(NA, xlim=range(dat$weight), ylim=c(-100,400), xlab="weight", ylab="height", bty="l") abline(h=0, lty=2) abline(h=272, lty=1) mtext("b ~ dnorm(0,10)") xbar <- mean(dat$weight) xs <- seq(min(dat$weight), max(dat$weight)) invisible(apply(sim, 1, function(par) lines(xs, par["a"] + par["b"] * (xs - xbar), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), lwd=2))) # simulate 10^6 values from a log-normal distribution with a mean of 0 and an # SD of 1 and create a kernel density estimate of the distribution b <- rlnorm(1e6, mean=0, sd=1) plot(density(b, from=-0.1, to=5), lwd=2, bty="l", main="") # simulate 100 alpha and beta values based on the prior distributions where we # use a log-normal distribution for the prior of beta set.seed(2971) sim <- data.frame(a = rnorm(n, mean=178, sd=20), b = rlnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)) # Figure 4.5 (right): plot the regression lines implied by these values plot(NA, xlim=range(dat$weight), ylim=c(-100,400), xlab="weight", ylab="height", bty="l") abline(h=0, lty=2) abline(h=272, lty=1) mtext("log(b) ~ dnorm(0,1)") invisible(apply(sim, 1, function(par) lines(xs, par["a"] + par["b"] * (xs - xbar), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), lwd=2))) ## 4.4.2: Finding the posterior distribution # use the quadratic approximation approach to find the MAP (maximum a # posteriori) estimates of alpha and beta model <- alist(height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma), mu <- a + b*(weight - xbar), a ~ dnorm(178, 20), b ~ dlnorm(0, 1), sigma ~ dunif(0, 50)) res1 <- quap(model, data=dat) res1 # remember: based on the Hessian (matrix of second derivatives), we can # estimate the variance-covariance matrix of the MAP estimates vcov(res1) # the square-root of the diagonal elements are the SDs of the estimates round(sqrt(diag(vcov(res1))), digits=2) # assuming normality, we can then construct 95% compatibility intervals precis(res1, prob=0.95) ############################################################################ # in the Rethinking box on page 98, the book discusses that we can obtain the # posterior distribution of mu quite easily from samples of the posterior # distributions of alpha and beta # take 10^5 samples from posterior distributions post <- extract.samples(res1, n=1e5) head(post) # compute mu based on the sampled values of alpha and beta, using random # weight values from the actual data and examine the distribution post$mu <- post$a + post$b * (sample(dat$weight, 1e5, replace=TRUE) - xbar) hist(post$mu, breaks=50, freq=FALSE, main="Posterior Distribution of mu", xlab="") # note: this is *not* a normal distribution curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(post$mu), sd=sd(post$mu)), lwd=5, add=TRUE) # for a fixed value of weight, the distribution of mu_i is normal; but since # the weight values differ, the posterior distribution of mu is actually a # mixture of many such normal distributions; let's see if we can obtain this # distribution analytically (without the sampling approach above) # compute the means and variances of the distributions of mu_i based on the # MAP estimates of alpha and beta and their variance-covariance matrix X <- cbind(1, dat$weight - xbar) means <- c(X %*% coef(res1)[1:2]) vars <- diag(X %*% vcov(res1)[1:2,1:2] %*% t(X)) head(data.frame(means, vars)) # compute the density of height values for 1000 height values from min(height) # to max(height) based on the different normal distributions implied by these # means and variances heights <- seq(min(dat$height), max(dat$height), length=1000) dens <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=1000) for (i in 1:nrow(dat)) { dens[i,] <- dnorm(heights, mean=means[i], sd=sqrt(vars[i])) } # plot all these normal distributions plot(NA, xlim=range(heights), ylim=c(0,max(dens)), bty="l", xlab="Height", ylab="Density") apply(dens, 1, function(h) lines(heights, h)) # the marginal distribution of mu is really the sum over these distributions # (rescaled, so the area under this mixture distribution is 1) dens <- apply(dens, 2, sum) trapezoid <- function(x,y) sum(diff(x)*(y[-1]+y[-length(y)]))/2 dens <- dens / trapezoid(heights, dens) # draw the marginal distribution of mu based on the sampling approach again # and add the distribution obtained analytically above hist(post$mu, breaks=50, freq=FALSE, main="Posterior Distribution of mu", xlab="") lines(heights, dens, lwd=5, col="#1e59ae") # they match up nicely; note that the sampling approach was *much* easier ############################################################################ # same model as above, but parameterized in such a way that we get the # posterior distribution of log(b) res2 <- quap(alist(height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma), mu <- a + exp(log_b)*(weight - xbar), a ~ dnorm(178, 20), log_b ~ dnorm(0, 1), sigma ~ dunif(0, 50)), data=dat) res2 precis(res2, prob=0.95) # we can easily convert the log slope estimate from res2 back and get # essentially the same MAP estimate exp(coef(res2)["log_b"]) coef(res1)["b"] # but how can we convert the SD of the log slope to the SD for the slope? we # can do this using the delta method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_method # # since the derivative of exp(x) is simply exp(x), we find: se(res2)["log_b"] * exp(coef(res2)["log_b"]) se(res1)["b"] # and these match up quite closely again ############################################################################ ## 4.4.3: Interpreting the posterior distribution # Tables of marginal distributions # table with the estimates, their SDs, and 95% compatibility (credible) intervals precis(res1, prob=0.95) # variance-covariance matrix of the estimates round(vcov(res1), digits=3) # corresponding correlation matrix round(cov2cor(vcov(res1)), digits=3) # plot of the marginal posterior distributions based on sampled values and # scatterplots of these sampled values against each other pairs(res1) # Plotting posterior inference against the data # Figure 4.6: plot the height of the individuals versus their weight plot(height ~ weight, data=dat, pch=21, bg="gray", bty="l") # extract 10^4 samples from the posterior distribution post <- extract.samples(res1) head(post) # compute the mean of the intercept and slope samples a_map <- mean(post$a) b_map <- mean(post$b) # add the regression line based on these means to the plot curve(a_map + b_map*(x-xbar), lwd=5, add=TRUE) # Adding uncertainty around the mean # select the first 10 people from the dataset sub <- dat[1:10,] # refit the model based on this subset (note: have to recompute xbar for the subset) xbar <- mean(sub$weight) res3 <- quap(model, data=sub) # sample 20 values from the posterior post <- extract.samples(res3, n=20) # Figure 4.7 (upper left): plot the height of the individuals versus their # weight for the subset with the 20 regression lines added based on the 20 # sampled values of the intercept and slope plot(height ~ weight, data=sub, pch=21, bg="gray", bty="l") invisible(apply(post, 1, function(par) curve(par["a"] + par["b"] * (x-xbar), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), lwd=2, add=TRUE))) # Figure 4.7 (lower right): same plot but based on the full sample xbar <- mean(dat$weight) plot(height ~ weight, data=dat, pch=21, bg="gray", bty="l") post <- extract.samples(res1, n=20) invisible(apply(post, 1, function(par) curve(par["a"] + par["b"] * (x-xbar), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), lwd=2, add=TRUE))) # Plotting regression intervals and contours # generate 10^4 sampled values of mu for individuals with weight = 50 post <- extract.samples(res1) mu_at_50 <- post$a + post$b * (50 - xbar) # Figure 4.8: kernel density estimate of this distribution plot(density(mu_at_50), col="#1e59ae", lwd=5, xlab="mu|weight=50", main="", bty="l") # 95% compatibility interval quantile(mu_at_50, prob=c(.025, .975)) # using link(), we can do the above automatically for many different weight values weight.seq <- seq(from=25, to=70, by=1) mu <- link(res1, data=data.frame(weight=weight.seq)) dim(mu) # compute the mean and the compatibility interval for each value of weight in weight.seq mu.mean <- apply(mu, 2, mean) mu.pi <- apply(mu, 2, function(x) quantile(x, prob=c(.025, .975))) # Figure 4.9: plot of the data with the line based on mu.mean and the # compatibility intervals added as a shaded region plot(height ~ weight, data=dat, pch=21, bg="gray", bty="l") lines(weight.seq, mu.mean, lwd=5) #shade(mu.pi, weight.seq) polygon(c(weight.seq, rev(weight.seq)), c(mu.pi[1,], rev(mu.pi[2,])), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), border=NA) # do the same analytically X <- cbind(1, weight.seq - xbar) means <- c(X %*% coef(res1)[1:2]) vars <- diag(X %*% vcov(res1)[1:2,1:2] %*% t(X)) lines(weight.seq, means, lwd=5, col="#1e59ae") pi.lb <- means - 1.96*sqrt(vars) pi.ub <- means + 1.96*sqrt(vars) polygon(c(weight.seq, rev(weight.seq)), c(pi.lb, rev(pi.ub)), col=rgb(0,0,0.2,0.2), border=NA) # do what link() does manually post <- extract.samples(res1) mu.link <- function(weight) post$a + post$b*(weight - xbar) weight.seq <- seq(from=25, to=70, by=1) mu <- sapply(weight.seq, mu.link) mu.mean <- apply(mu, 2, mean) mu.pi <- apply(mu, 2, function(x) quantile(x, prob=c(.025, .975))) # Prediction intervals # simulate height values of individuals for the various values of weight in weight.seq sim.height <- sim(res1, data=list(weight=weight.seq)) dim(sim.height) # compute 95% compatibility intervals for these height values height.pi <- apply(sim.height, 2, function(x) quantile(x, prob=c(.025, .975))) polygon(c(weight.seq, rev(weight.seq)), c(height.pi[1,], rev(height.pi[2,])), col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), border=NA) # this is Figure 4.10; as explained in the book, we could use sim(..., n=10^4) # above to simulate more values, which will help to smooth out some of the # roughness of the bounds of the prediction interval; another way to get rid # of the roughness is to apply a smoother to the prediction interval bounds height.pi[1,] <- supsmu(weight.seq, height.pi[1,])$y height.pi[2,] <- supsmu(weight.seq, height.pi[2,])$y lines(weight.seq, height.pi[1,], lty="dotted") lines(weight.seq, height.pi[2,], lty="dotted") # doing sim() manually post <- extract.samples(res1) hsimfun <- function(weight) rnorm(nrow(post), mean = post$a + post$b*(weight - xbar), sd = post$sigma) weight.seq <- seq(from=25, to=70, by=1) sim.height <- sapply(weight.seq, hsimfun) height.pi <- apply(sim.height, 2, function(x) quantile(x, prob=c(.025, .975))) ############################################################################