############################################################################ # During the course, we will make use of a number of add-on packages for R. # Ideally, you should install these packages before the course (then you don't # have to bother with installing packages during the course). The code below # can be used to install each of the packages one by one. So, just run each # command below (e.g., by copy-pasting it into R) line by line. # If you are asked to create a 'personal library', choose 'yes'. If you are # asked to choose a 'CRAN mirror', just select the default one (which is # probably called something like '0-Cloud'). # In case you get an error when trying to install a particular package, google # the error message to find a possible solution. Please note that it is very # difficult for me to troubleshoot installation problems remotely. It is also # not essential that you install every one of the packages below. But if you # cannot install any of them, then this suggests some fundamental problem or # misconfiguration of your computer. ############################################################################ install.packages("readxl") install.packages("haven") install.packages("rgl") install.packages("hexbin") install.packages("viridis") install.packages("beanplot") install.packages("vioplot") install.packages("beeswarm") install.packages("car") install.packages("multcomp") install.packages("Hmisc") install.packages("pROC") install.packages("Epi") install.packages("epiR") install.packages("sos") install.packages("packagefinder") install.packages("CRANsearcher") install.packages("pkgsearch") install.packages("shinyWidgets") install.packages("whoami") install.packages("cranlogs") install.packages("ggridges") install.packages("psych") install.packages("GPArotation") install.packages("skimr") install.packages("pheatmap") install.packages("heatmaply") install.packages("interp") install.packages("plotly") install.packages("dplyr") install.packages("palmerpenguins") install.packages("mice") install.packages("tableone") install.packages("labelled") install.packages("lavaan") install.packages("lavaanPlot") install.packages("patchwork") install.packages("ggthemes") ############################################################################