Table of Contents
Welcome ...
… to my website. Below you can find my contact information and office address (with directions). In case you are wondering who the heck I am, you could consider reading my (not so really) short profile.
On this site, you can also find my curriculum vitae, a list of my publications and presentations, links to some software I (co)authored, and information about a number of courses I teach on a semi-regular basis (e.g., a meta-analysis course, an introduction to R course, and an ESM data analysis course). I also do regular live streams on R and statistics in case you are into that sort of thing.
You might also be here because of the metafor package (a free and open-source add-on for conducting meta-analyses with the statistical software environment R), which I am the author of. More information about the package and its ongoing development can be found on the metafor package website. If you need help with using the package, see here.
2025-02-04: A new version (1.4-0) of the metadat package has been released on CRAN.
2025-01-28: A new version (4.8-0) of the metafor package has been released on CRAN.
2025-01-06: I just updated the schedule for my office hours and my live streams.
2024-09-02: Last week, I gave a talk as part of a symposium on 'Recent Advances in Meta-Analysis' (organized by the Department of Medical Statistics at the University Medical Center in Göttingen, Germany) about model selection in complex meta-analyses. You can find the slides for this presentation (and the code for the examples) here.
2024-07-05: I have updated the schedule for the Open Online R Stream for the second half of this year.
Mailing Address
Wolfgang Viechtbauer |
Office Address
Room 2.041 (second floor) |
Contact Info
Tel: +31 (43) 388-41701) |
Publication Profiles
• Google Scholar |